HC Deb 27 February 1922 vol 151 cc82-3W
Captain MARTIN

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether he can say when the London Electric Supply Company will commence operations in connection with this scheme at Barking, which was approved at the latter part of 1921 by the Electricity Commissioners; and whether he will endeavour to facilitate the commencement of the work in view of the serious unemployment now prevailing in the East London area?


It is not possible to say when the County of London Electric Supply Company will commence the construction of their generating station' at Barking. The Company's Act of 1921 empowers the Electricity Commissioners, when giving their consent to the construction of the station, to prescribe the terms on which the undertaking may be acquired by the proposed joint electricity authority for Greater London. With the object of facilitating the commencement of the work, the Commissioners have communicated the terms to the company, and it is anticipated that formal sanction to proceed with the work will be given shortly.