HC Deb 15 February 1922 vol 150 c1040W

asked the Prime Minister (1) if, and in what manner, the consent of the people of Palestine has been accorded agreeing to Great Britain being the mandatory power, in accordance with paragraph 4, Article 22, of the Covenant of the League of Nations;

(2) if he will state what were the reasons which induced His Majesty's Government to make the Balfour Declaration, and to promise the Jewish people a national home in a country which is already the national home of the Arabs;

(3) if he will state why Palestine has not been treated in the same way as Iraq and an autonomous Government set up which enjoys the confidence and approval of the inhabitants; if the Arabs were promised recognition of their independence as soon as the late War ceased if they took up arms with us against the Turks; and whether, and, if so, how, His Majesty's Government have fulfilled the pledges given by them to the Arabs through Sir Henry McMahon in 1915, and confirmed by the Prime Minister in September, 1919, and by the Secretary of State for the Colonies in June, 1921?


The hon. Baronet's questions raise points of high policy which could be dealt with more suitably in debate than by question and answer. I shall make a full statement on policy in Palestine when I present the Middle Eastern Estimates to the House. I suggest that the hon. Baronet should defer raising his points until the debate on the Estimates takes place.