HC Deb 13 February 1922 vol 150 cc664-5W

asked the Minister of Health whether he has any control over the amount of remuneration paid to masters and matrons of workhouses; whether he is aware that the Cleobury Mortimer guardians recently advertised for a master and matron at an annual salary of £30 for the former and £20 for the latter, together with rations, washing, and furnished apartments; that the master must be competent to keep the books and accounts prescribed by the Ministry, have a thorough knowledge of Poor Law Orders, and be able to superintend the garden and do the baking, and that the matron must be competent to superintend the whole of the domestic arrangements of the institution; and whether, in view of the manifold duties such officials are called upon to fulfil, he can take any steps to establish a scale of wages more appropriate to the responsibilities of the positions?


I have received a representation in regard to the salaries proposed in this case, and I have transmitted a copy to the Guardians for their observations. The remuneration of masters and matrons of workhouses requires my approval, but, subject to the necessary services being adequately performed, I do not think that in present circumstances I ought to require local authorities to pay salaries in excess of what they themselves consider necessary.