HC Deb 13 December 1922 vol 159 c2967W

asked the Minister of Labour, as representing the Ministry of Health, whether he is aware that under the old Poor Law system, as administered by the Local Government Board, it was the consistent practice of that Department to enforce all surcharges which might be recommended by Local Government Board auditors against local authorities or their officers; that this practice has been discontinued to a large extent by the Ministry of Health; that adverse reports by auditors of Poor Law accounts are now treated as of little or no concern by boards of guardians, with the result that irregular proceedings are frequently indulged in by such authorities, upon which no action is taken by his Department; and whether, in the interests of safeguarding the public purse, he will give instructions that any irregularities reported upon by his Department's auditors shall be acted upon with a view to surcharging the bodies or officials concerned?


There has been no such change of practice as is suggested. During the two years ended 31st March last there were 3,221 disallowances and surcharges, and in 2,834, that is, in nearly 90 per cent, of these cases, the amounts disallowed and surcharged were refunded by the persons concerned