§ Mr. W. THORNEasked the Minister of Agriculture the number of acres under cultivation in England, Scotland and Wales of wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, turnips, swedes and mangolds in 1871 and 1921; and the decrease of acreage in each case?
§ Sir R. SANDERSThe following table shows the acreage under certain cereal and root crops in England, Wales, Scotland and Great Britain in 1871 and 1921, with the increase or decrease:
imported breadstuffs shall come to this country in the form of grain rather than of flour, and thus provide employment for British labour in the milling trade and an increased and cheapened supply of
2627Woffals for the production of meat in this kingdom?
§ Sir R. SANDERSThe Government has decided that it cannot propose measures for the relief of agriculture which involve the imposition of protective duties on foodstuffs or an alteration in our existing fiscal system. The suggestion made by my hon. Friend appears to be ruled out by this decision.