HC Deb 08 December 1922 vol 159 cc2208-11W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has yet received from the Governor of Kenya the schedule promised more than a year ago setting forth the amount of native lands alienated to white men since 1914?


supplied the following return, in accordance with his answer [OFFICIAL REPORT, 5th December, 1922; col. 1570, Vol. 159.]

No. Name of Reserve. If proclaimed under Crown Lands Ordinance, 1915. Area of Excision. Date. Locality. Purpose. Remarks.
1 Nandi No 5 acres 16.12.14 Jebesus (Aldai) Africa Inland Mission Station. Plot Granted to Church Missionary Society in 1909: abandoned by them and Africa Inland Mission permitted to occupy.
2 Nandi No 5 acres 2.8.19 Kapsabet do. Grant approved by Government, but subsequently relinquished by grantees.
3 Masai No 5 acres 22.3.19 Siabei near Kijabe. do. This Mission originally held a plot in the Northern Masai Reserve (Laikipia): the plot at Siabei in the Southern Masai Reserve was given them in exchange.
4 South Kavirondo No 10 acres 3.6.21 Near Kisii. Seventh Day Adventists Mission: Native Hospital.
5 Do. No 3 acres Kisii Seventh Day Adventists Mission: Native School.
6 Embu (Chuka). No 40 acres 28.4.19 Chogoria Church of Scotland Mission: Medical Mission Station.
7 North Kavirondo No 30 acres Near Masona. Church Missionary Society: Medical training School for. Natives.
No. Name of Reserve* If proclaimed under Crown Lands Ordinance, 1915. Area of Excision. Date. Locality. Purpose. Remarks.
1 Nandi-Kavirond No; will shortly be proclaimed. 5,087 16.7.1912 Kaimosi Area made available for cutting up into European farms. This area lying between Nandi and Kavirondo Reserves was not occupied by Natives and was not included in any definition of the Reserve boundaries; it was therefore, properly speaking, not an excision from a reserve. A portion of the land was sold by auction in 1912 and the remainder allotted under the Ex - Soldier Settlement Scheme in 1919.
2 Masai No; will shortly be proclaimed 2,000 1921 Mile 42 Magidi Railway. Native location for settlement of labourers on Magadi works. Granted to Magadi Soda Company. Monetary proceeds to be paid to Masai funds.
3 Do Do. 95 1922 Ngong Hills. Water Works Granted to Magadi Soda Company. Water was reserved for Masai requirements.

No. Name of Reserve. If proclaimed under Crown Lands Ordinance, 1915. Area of Excision. Date. Locality. Purpose. Remarks.
4 Lumbwa No; will shortly be proclaimed. Acres. 5,639 1919 Kericho Grants under Ex-Soldier Settlement Schemes. (a) 4,301 acres allotted to the British East Africa Disabled Officers Colony.
(b)1,538 acres allotted to Cayley Syndicate.
This area was shown in 1912 as part, of Lumbwa (Native Reserve), but was no longer included therein in 1919, when the boundaries had been adjusted; the two grants referred to are only portions of the land allotted to the respective grantees; the remainder of the grants were never included in the Native Reserve.
(Colonial Office Note. — The adjustment of the boundaries of the Lumbwa Reserve is forming the subject of correspondence with the Governor.)
5 Nandi No; do. (a) 10,209 27.8.1919 Kipkarren River. Ex-Soldier Settlement Scheme. Granted to Griffiths New Zealand Syndicate.
(b) 1,103 Do. Sarora Do. Do. C. W. and Miss Arnold.
(c) 101 Do. Kipkarren River. Do. Public Outspan.
(d) 800 Do. Tuk Tuk River. Do. Five allottees, A farms, 160 acres each.
(e) 4,320 Do. Kipkarren Do. Twenty-seven allottees, A farms, 160 acres each.
(f) 2,240 Do. Sarora Do. Fourteen allottees, A farms, 160 acres each.
(g) 9,000 Do. Do. Do. Unallotted,
(h) 11,900 Do. Nandi Escarpment. Do. Do. (Colonial Office. Note— These alienations have formed the subject of recent correspondence with the Governor of Kenya, and the Secretary of State has received an assurance that both the Governor and the Chief Native Commissioner are fully satisfied that the needs of the Nandi are amply provided for. It has, however, been agreed that a certain area, viz., the area referred to under (k), shall be held in reserve for the present, and no allotment will be made from this area without prior reference to the Secretary of State).
6 Kikuyu (Fort Hall) No 20 acres 1921 Maragua River Fort Hall Granted to Messrs. Swift and Rutherfoord in connection with hydro-electric scheme. Rent paid to the Native Reserves Trust Fund to be utilised for the benefit of the Fort Hall Native Reserve.