HC Deb 07 December 1922 vol 159 c2028W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that a number of business and professional people, such as town clerks, solicitors, auctioneers and valuers, bailiffs, estate agents, master printers, and grocers, are employed as managers of branch Unemployment Exchanges in Wales; and whether he will inquire into these cases with the object of employing competent ex-service men who are at present unemployed?


I can assure the hon. Member that the Department have this point very fully in mind. A. definite preference is given to ex-service men in making these appointments. All existing holders, appointed after August, 1914, were carefully reviewed by my predecessor with a view to the substitution of ex-service men in every case in which undue hardship would not thereby be caused; and similar action was taken in the case of pre-War holders where it seemed clear that they were not largely dependent on this work. Substitution took place in a number of cases, and in a number of others, in which substitution was not immediately possible, the position is kept under review. Out of 80 branch managers in Wales, 37 are ex-service men. In two other cases, ex-service men will be appointed at an early date if suitable men can be found, and in 17 cases the position is at present under review.

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