HC Deb 06 December 1922 vol 159 cc1802-3W

asked the Minister of Labour whether, in view of the fact that ex-service men have been and are stiil under disability in procuring employment, even those specially trained since demobilisation, and that employers (municipal and private) have been and are still hampered in employing ex-service men owing to trade union regulations such as prevail or formerly prevailed in the building and engineering trades and in Woolwich Arsenal, the Government will take measures either for the removal of such disability or for relieving ex-service men adversely affected from the consequences thereof?


In the present state of unemployment there are unfortunately nearly always fully competent ex-service men available for every vacancy in a skilled occupation. No advantage, therefore, would, in my opinion, be gained by any general attempt by the Government to remove, in favour of ex-service men, such recognised restrictions as exist on entry into such occupations.

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