HC Deb 04 December 1922 vol 159 cc1211-5W

asked the First Commissioner of Works whether he can give a list of Old Masters in the National Gallery which have been cleaned within the last six years and the name of the person or persons who advised the cleaning and carried out the work; and whether any picture after cleaning was restored by any portion of it being repainted?


I have caused a list to be compiled from the Trustees' Annual Reports, which I will transmit to the hon. Member for his information, of pictures by Old Masters in the National Gallery collections which have been cleaned or repaired within the last six years. The Majority of the items relate to new acquisitions, which needed small repairs or varnishing before they could be exhibited to advantage, or to pictures which received small injuries during the removals necessitated by the War. The cleaning in each case has been done personally by Mr. Buttery or Mr. Holder and the relining by Mr. Morrell—all well-known experts in the work—at the instance and under the immediate supervision of the Director of the Gallery for the time being. Stoppings and fillings of holes in the canvas or panel are tinted in accordance with the universal practice. But original work has never in the experience of the present Director been subjected to repainting.

The following is the list referred to:

905. " The Madonna." By Cosimo Tura. Removing old parquets, mending and resetting breaks in panel, veneering and re-parquetting; fractures carefully restored.
3011. "Lady and Child." Van Dyck. Old varnish removed; re-varnished.
1699. "Family Group."' Ascribed to Vermeer. (The picture was cut in two—the left half was presented by Mr. C. Fairfax Murray; the right half was purchased. Both parts joined together). Re-lined; extensive repaints and old repairs removed, and restored to original size, so as to form one picture.
3013. Master F. van Diest. Hoppner. Both surface oleaned and varnished.
3014. Miss L. van Diest. Hoppner. Both surface cleaned and varnished.
3024. " Winter at Dordrecht." Cuyp. Cleaned, restored and varnished.
3025. " Mouth of a River." S. de Vlieger. Cleaned, restored and varnished.
1665. " Portrait of a Man." By A. de Predis. Re-setting cracks and joints; veneering and parquetting panel.
2498. " A Young Venetian." Basaiti. Re-setting cracks and joints; veneering and parquetting panel.
636. "A Poet." By Palma. Transferred from canvas to panel; perished varnish and old repairs removed; restored.
3047. "Music Party." By De Hooch. Re-lined, re-varnished, &c.

2864. "Portrait of a Man." By Jan Lievens. Re-lined and repaired.
2144. "Marchesa Cattaneo." By Van Dyck. Re-lined and repaired.
251. "SS. Augustine, Ludger, Hubert and Maurice." By the Master of Warden. Panel repaired.
30. "Embarkation of S. Ursula. 'By Claude. Re-lined and repaired.
2493. "Mrs. Trotter." By Romney. Re-lined and repaired.
112. "Self-Portrait." By Hogarth. Re-lined and repaired.
2143. "Lady at a Spinet." By 'Oehtervlt. Re-lined and repaired.
2539. "A Man with a Cap." By Rembrandt. Re-lined and repaired.
506. "Carthage: Dido and the Fleet." By Turner. Transferred from canvas to panel.
2882. "Waves on a Lee Shore." By Turner. Re-lined and repaired. "Study at Petworth." By Turner. Re-lined and repaired.

None in 1918.
789. "The Baillie Family." By Gains-borough. Repaired.
651. 'Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time." By Bronzino. Repaired.
80. "The Market Cart." By Gainsborough. Blisters laid down and repaired.
505. "Bay of Bauæ" By J. M. W. Turner. Repaired.
747. "SS. John Baptist and Lawrence." By Memlinc. Repaired.
3400. "The Beaumont Family Group." By Romney. Surface cleaned and varnished.
3294. "Execution of the Emperor Maximilian." By Manet. Re-lined and repaired.
3046. "Virgin and Child." By Masaccio. Cleaned and repaired.
1313. "The Origin of the Milky Way." By Tintoretto. Repaired.

46. "Peace and War." By Rubens. Canvas repaired, fixing loose paint, repairing and varnishing.
727. "The Trinity." By Pesellino. The four panels rejoined, repaired and varnished.

3546. "Portrait of a Man." By Mary Beale. Surface cleaned and varnished.
3545. "Sir James Hodges." By Sir J. Reynolds. Surface cleaned and varnished.
3542. "Finding of Moses." By G. D. Tie-polo. Surface cleaned and varnished.
3537. "Richard, Lord Holland." By Sir A. Van Dyck. Surface cleaned and varnished.
3538. "The Arsenal, Venice." By F. Guardi. Surface cleaned and varnished.
3544. "Lady Delaval." By J. Downman. Surface cleaned and varnished.
3539. "Portrait of a Man." By Clouet the Elder. Loose paint fixed, surface cleaned and varnished.
1098. "Virgin and Child." by B. Mon-tagna. Transferred from panel to canvas and varnished.
66. "The Chateau de Steen." By Rubens. Loose paint fixed.
3476. "The Agony in the Garden." by E1 Greco. Re-lined, surface cleaned and varnished.
816. "The Incredulity of S. Thomas." By Cima. Loose paint fixed.
1126. "The Assumption of the Virgin." By Botticini. Loose paint fixed.
311. "Rustic Children." By Gainsborough. Re-lined, surface cleaned and varnished.
1306. "Landscape." By T. Barker. Repaired and varnished.
599. "Madonna of the Meadow." By Giov. Bellini. Blisters laid down.
17. "Madonna and Child." By Andrea del Sarto. Blisters laid down.
2594. "The Duke of Cleves." By Hans Memlinc. Blisters laid down.
1148. "Christ at the Column." By Velazquez. Loose paint fixed.
307. "The Age of Innocence." By Sir J. Reynolds. Loose paint fixed.
3070. Allegorical Figure. By Tura. Treated for worm in panel and re-varnished.
3474. James, 3rd Marquis of Hamilton." By Daniel Mytens. Minor repairs, surface cleaned and varnished.

2069. "Madonna of the Tower." By Raphael. Minor repairs, surface cleaned and varnished.
744. "Madonna, Child and S. John." By Raphael. Varnished.
3590. "St. Paul." Spanish School. Minor repairs, surface cleaned and varnished.

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