HC Deb 04 December 1922 vol 159 cc1231-3W

asked the Minister of Labour if any Government establishments for the training of disabled ex-service men have been closed down during the past six months; and, if so, can he give the number, situation, capacity, and class of work in which men were trained?


During the past six months six Government instructional factories have been closed, situated at Sheffield, Preston, Cardiff, Aberdeen, and two in London. Training was given mainly in building, engineering, furniture, tailoring, Vehicle building and watch and clock repairing. In addition, five small training centres- were closed, situated at Erdington, Bedford, Reading, Barnstaple and Bournemouth. The total combined capacity of these factories and centres was '2,953 places. Immediately before their closure 3:55 men were in training in the so establishments and were transferred to other factories where ample accommodation was available. I may add that there are 4,660 vacant places available for training in the above trades in order Government instructional factories


further asked the Minister of Labour the number of disabled ex-service men now being trained in Government instructional factories and the number of applicants awaiting acceptance?


On 21st November the total number of disabled ex-service men in training under the Industrial Training seheme in Great Britain and Ireland was 17.40S. Of this number, 8,766 were in training in Government instructional factories. The number of men awaiting training on 21st November in Great Britain and Ireland was 17,402.


asked the Minister of Labour what steps are being taken to give effect to the recommendations of the Select Committee on the Training and Employment of Disabled Ex-service Men?


I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the reply given by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Labour on 27th November to a question on this subject addressed to the Prime Minister by the hon. Member for West Bromwich (Mr. F. Roberts).