HC Deb 04 August 1922 vol 157 cc1921-2W

asked the Minister of Labour on what grounds the local unemployment committee refused to grant unemployment relief to Mr. Robert Roberts, School House, Penmon, Beaumaris, in view of the fact that he is genuinely unemployed and has complied with the conditions of the Unemployment Act?


I am making inquiries into this case and will communicate the result to my hon. and gallant Friend.


asked the Minister of Labour the number of unemployed receiving unemployment benefit during the week

Months in the first quarter of the financial year 1922–23. Persons insured under the Unemployment Insurance Acts (whether in receipts of unemployment benefit or not) and the wives and dependent children of those persons. Other persons ordinarily engaged in some regular occupation but not so insured, and the wives and dependent children of those persons.
Average number of above-mentioned persons and the wives and dependent children of those persons in receipt of Poor Law relief in their own homes—
April 912,323 65,281
May 961,153 63,512
June 1,090,488 62,760
Amount of Poor Law relief given in their own homes to the above-mentioned persons, and the wives and dependent children of those persons—
£ £
April (4 weeks) 867,940 82,671
May (4 weeks) 906,391 78,412
June (5 weeks) 1,486,839 98,076
Totals for quarter 3,261,170 259,159

ending 11th November, and the approximate amount paid them in unemployment benefit?


My hon. Friend will see that I cannot to-day say how many people will be drawing unemployment benefit during the week ending 11th November. But as my hon. Friend knows, I made provision in the Act of last April for a maximum of 22 weeks' benefit to run from 2nd November next.


asked the Minister of Labour the total sums disbursed as unemployment benefit and the total costs of its administration for the last two years?


The amount of unemployment benefit (including since November, 1921, dependants' grants) disbursed in the last two financial years was approximately £77,000,000. The total administrative cost in the Ministry of Labour and all other Departments, attributable to unemployment insurance for these two years was about £7,692,000, or rather less than 10 per cent. of the amount disbursed.