HC Deb 03 August 1922 vol 157 cc1691-2W

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the Board of Guardians for Wandsworth and Battersea are not now observing the scale of relief recommended by him; that they have made a considerable reduction in the amount of relief formerly allowed; that in consequence unemployed men with families are suffering severe hardship: and whether he will make representations to the board in question as to the advisability of restoring the scale of relief recommended by him?


No, Sir. The scale referred to is a maximum, not a fixed scale, and I see no reason to interfere with the discretion of the guardians.


asked the Minister of Health if he is aware that the definition of a necessitous area for Poor Law purposes has been defined as one where the poor rate exceeds 1s. in the £; that out of the 600 Poor Law areas only about 200 of them are affected in paying out large sums of money on account of there being so many men and women out of employment; and that a number of Poor Law guardians are considering the advisability of paying out ally more relief to the men and women who are out of employment, on account of the Government refusing to give them any financial assistance, in consequence of the heavy burdens which they have to bear at the present time; and if he will take action in the matter?


I am aware of the scheme to which the hon Member refers. The burden of the relief unemployed persons, of course, varies in the different Poor Law unions, and only a proportion of them are seriously affected by it. I have no reason to suppose that any board of guardians will fail in its duty of relieving distress, and the arrangements which have been made ensure that the necessary funds shall be available.