HC Deb 02 August 1922 vol 157 cc1467-8W
Viscount WOLMER

asked the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether the British trade with Tangier zone amounted in 1920 to approximately 18,600,000 francs out of a total of approximately 101,000,000 francs, and that these figures are nearly double those of the previous year; whether he is aware of the campaign which is being carried on in the French Press urging that Tangier should be completely controlled by France; that it is the considered opinion of the great majority of merchants at present engaged in this trade that it would be most detrimental to this trade and its development if such control were allowed; and whether the Government will give an assurance that nothing will be agreed to which will in any way jeopardise the maintenance and expansion of this trade?


The answer to the two first parts of the question is in the affirmative. For the rest., I can assure the Noble Lord that the consideration mentioned in the third and fourth parts will be carefully borne in mind by the representatives of His Majesty's Government, at the forthcoming conference on Tangier.