HC Deb 12 April 1922 vol 153 cc447-8W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of trade unions who are acting as distributing authorities under Section 17 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920; the amount of unemployment benefit distributed by the Ministry of Labour and the unions, respectively; the amount the unions have received by way of remuneration for their services; and how the cost of distribution by them compares with the cost of distribution by the Ministry itself?


The number of trade unions and other associations who are acting as distributing authorities under Section 17 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920, is at present 170. In the period 8th November, 1920, to 18th March, 1922, the amount of unemploy- ment benefit paid direct to applicants by Employment Exchanges was about£61,000,000, and the amount paid through trade unions and other associations was about£9,500,000, while the sum of£560,000 was paid to these trade unions or other associations by way of remuneration for their services. The data necessary to make a precise comparison of the kind suggested in the last part of the question could not be obtained without a laborious and costly investigation, but I may say that the total administrative cost to the Department itself for each week of benefit paid through a trade union or other association, exclusive of the payment made to these bodies, is probably at least as great as if the benefit were paid direct. In view of this and other considerations the scale of payment to these, bodies is now being revised.

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