HC Deb 11 April 1922 vol 153 cc257-8W

asked the Minister of Health whether Dr. O'Brien, of the Wellcome laboratories, was sent by a medical man in his Department to attend a meeting of the schools committee of the Lambeth Board of Guardians which was considering the use of the Schick test for diphtheria; and what was the reason for Dr. O'Brien's attendance at that meeting?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. I have no information as to the second part.


asked the Minister of Health whether he has contracted with the Wellcome laboratories for a supply of material for the Schick test for liability to diphtheria and for a supply of toxin-antitoxin for immunising purposes; and, if so, what is the cost of this supply and under what conditions are these materials supplied?


No contract has been made for a supply of these preparations. In the few cases in which my Department have supplied the materials, these have been obtained from the firm in question at the following rates—12s. 6d. for 50 doses of Schick toxin, and 40s. for 25 doses of toxin-antitoxin mixture, less the usual discount. There are no conditions attaching to this supply.

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