HC Deb 10 November 1921 vol 148 cc666-7W

asked the Home Secretary whether the police have made any objections to the cabaret performance at the Hotel Metropole, the existence of which is threatened by the theatres and music halls committee of the London County Council; whether the authorities have witnessed the performance; and whether, in the interests of London trade, especially among foreign visitors, he can make any representations to the county council as to the desirability of permitting the continuance of such a performance?


I am informed by the Commissioner of Police that no objections have been made by the police to the performance. It has not been seen by them. I have made inquiry, and I understand that the Theatres and Music Halls Committee of the London County Council recently heard an application for the renewal of the music and dancing licence in respect of the Hotel Metropole. After considering the application and objections taken to it by the Entertainments Protection Association, they decided to recommend the London County Council to attach conditions prohibiting the use of scenery or costumes, and limiting the number of performers. It is open to the applicants to appeal to the Council. I have no authority to intervene in the matter.


asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that the Midnight Follies performance at the Hotel Metropole, whose continuance is threatened by the London County Council Theatres and Music Halls Committee, employs entirely some 70 people, and partially some 100 more; and whether, in view of the existing unemployment, he will make representations to the County Council Theatres and Music Halls Committee to induce them to modify their attitude?


This is not a matter I think in which I can intervene. I understand that the question of a music and dancing licence for the Hotel Metro-pole will come up for consideration by the London County Council on the 25th November, and that the hotel management and other parties interested will have an opportunity of stating their case.