HC Deb 07 November 1921 vol 148 cc61-2W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the amount applied to sinking fund and amortisation by the Government on Government stocks since the 31st March, 1921; and what is the amount of death duties paid in war stocks?


The amounts applied to sinking fund and amortisation by the Government on Government stocks between

Month. Total Quantity exported to Europe. Average Declared Value f.o.b. American Ports of Bituminous Coal exported to Europe.*
Bituminous Coal. Anthracite.
1921. Tons. Tons. Dollars.
January 534,736 1,170 8.81
February 280,767 8.36
March 214,092 1,806 7.51
April 304,682 87 7.59
May 884,972 3,961 7.24
June 1,461,035 556 6.57
July 1,011,548 2,966 7.48
August 143,159 40 6.44
* Based upon 55 per cent. of the total shipments of bituminous coal. Similar particulars with regard to shipments of anthracite are not available.

As was explained to the hon. Member on 22nd March last, in reply to a similar

1st April and 30th September, 1921, are as follows:

Depreciation Fund (5 and 4 per cent. Loan) 15,415,700
Sinking Fund, Funding Loan 981,691
Sinking Fund, Victory Bonds 1,894,120
Life Annuities—Receipts applied 286,618
War contributions applied Other receipts by National 101,725
Debt Commissioners applied 140,360

The amount of death duties paid in War stocks in the period 1st April to 31st October was about £13,335,000.