HC Deb 31 May 1921 vol 142 c847W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what is the position as regards establishment of workmen in the Royal Dockyards under the following circumstances: in cases of naval shipwrights, who have served their apprenticeship under the Admiralty, and who served 12 years and under as naval shipwrights, then leave the Navy, and immediately enter the dockyard as established shipwrights before the Superannuation Act of 1909 and after that date what is the period which governs the conditions of that Act; is it when the shipwright enters the Navy or the dockyard; and do similar conditions apply to riggers?


The superannuation allowances which may be granted to naval shipwrights are governed by Order in Council dated the 29th November, 1898, which provides that the pensionable service of naval shipwrights who, after a period of sea service, enter a dockyard, is reckoned from the date on which they reach the age of 18, and that they are entitled to superannuation allowances on the scale laid down in the Superannuation Act, 1859. The position of naval shipwrights with regard to superannuation has recently been under consideration, with a view to granting them the benefits of the Superannuation Acts passed since 1859, and it is hoped that a decision will be promulgated at an early date. Such powers were obtained as regards riggers by Order in Council of 2nd June, 1915.