HC Deb 23 June 1921 vol 143 c1583W

asked the Minister of Labour how many trades have established voluntary wage boards; whether these are working satisfactorily; and whether he is using every effort to extend their operations?


The number of Joint Industrial Councils and Interim Industrial Reconstruction Committees established in accordance with the recommendations of the Committee on Relations between Employers and Employed, presided over by Mr. Speaker, is 71. In addition there are over 400 Joint Standing Conciliation or Arbitration Boards, or other joint bodies representative of employers and workpeople known to be in existence with power to deal with wages questions. This machinery altogether covers about 6,000,000 workpeople. These joint bodies have proved very successful, and every practicable assistance is given by my Department in the establishment of some such form of conciliation machinery in any case where it does not already exist.