HC Deb 17 February 1921 vol 138 cc291-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture whether he is aware that applicants for small holdings and allotments at Upping-ham, most of whom are ex-service men, applied on two occasions to the parish council for land; that these applications have been rejected; that the applicants approached the county council, but were referred back to the parish council; that the land required is eleven acres, in addition to three acres provided some time ago, in place of four acres from which allotment holders were evicted; and whether he will take immediate steps to have land provided so that these men may undertake cultivation for the coming season?


The Ministry has already been in communication with the Uppingham Parish Council in the matter of the provision of allotments in the parish. It appears that the council's lease of the 4 acres of land referred to by the hon. Member expires on 6th April next, and that owing to the uncertainty of renewal the allotment holders were given notice to quit. In order that they might not be disturbed until alternative land could be provided, the council have secured a renewal of the lease for another year at a slightly higher rent. In addition, a further area of three acres has been staked out in readiness for cultivation this spring. The Ministry is informed by the council that the application for additional land was made only a few weeks ago on the formation of a local allotment association, and that it is very doubtful whether the land required can be secured in time for cultivation this spring.

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