HC Deb 21 April 1921 vol 140 c2099W

asked the Minister of Agriculture what has been the total cost to date of the Government farm colony at Patrington, in East Yorkshire; whether it is now a colony of small holdings, or worked as a profit-sharing farm; what is the proportion of civilians as compared to ex-service men now employed or accommodated on it; and what is the Government policy as to its future?


In reply to the first part of my hon. Friend's question, the total expenditure on capital account to date, excluding farming capital against which may be set the value of the live and dead stock, crops, etc., is £62,437. There are no small holdings on the settlement which is worked on a profit-sharing basis. 62 ex-service men and 21 civilians are at present employed, of whom 11 civilians are under notice expiring this week. In reply to the last part of the question, it is the intention to continue for the present the settlement on a profit-sharing basis for ex-service men.

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