HC Deb 20 April 1921 vol 140 c1906W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he is aware that William Padovan, of Preston, Brighton, aged 76, has failed to obtain an old-age pension because he is unable to prove his British nationality; that he is believed to have been born in Corfu when that island was a British Protectorate; that he served for 18 years in the Royal Navy; that he has lived and worked in England since his discharge; and whether consideration will be given to his case?

Lieut.-Commander YOUNG

I find on inquiry that William Padovan's claim for an old-age pension was disallowed by the local pension committee on the 18th instant, on the ground that he is not a British subject. He has the right of appeal to the Ministry of Health against that decision, of which he has been specially reminded.