HC Deb 14 April 1921 vol 140 cc1315-6W

asked the Chief Secretary whether on 9th January a party of auxiliary police from Beggar's Bush Barracks, and armed with revolvers, raided the Pembroke Fire Brigade Station at Ballsbridge, Dublin, and subsequently commandeered a motor car at a neighbouring garage; whether these policemen were under the influence of drink and threatened the lives of the firemen on duty; whether the lives of the firemen were again threatened when they were identifying the raiders; whether two of the auxiliaries again visited the fire station on 15th January, demanded the production of the men who had reported the previous raid and presented a revolver at the head of the superintendent; whether the same party held up at the same time two men of the Dublin Metropolitan police and stole their arms and ammunition; whether these raiders were surprised and cap- tured by their own commanding officer and other officers; and what further action has been taken?


A full official inquiry has been held into these matters, and it is found that the allegations contained in the first paragraph of the question, namely, the raid on the fire brigade station and the commandeering of the motor car on the 9th January, are correct, but that the other allegations have not been substantiated. Severe disciplinary action has been taken against all the cadets concerned on the 9th January, and, in addition, they have been compelled to make good the damage done to the car.