HC Deb 28 October 1920 vol 133 c1960W

asked the Secretary of State for India if he is aware that there is widespread dissatisfaction amongst British officers in the British and Indian Armies in India with the provision made for the housing of these officers and their families; that in some places officers have to sleep four in a room; that in certain cantonments, such as Kohat and Pinhi, there are units which are unable to obtain a house for a mess: that the moss is often a long way from the barracks and the living quarters even further: and if he will urge the Government of India to take early action on the recommendations relating to the more adequate provision of officers' quarters contained in Part V of the Report of the Esher Committee?


I am aware that dissatisfaction has been expressed to the Esher Committee, as recorded in their Report. F have already asked the Government of India to let me have their views on the recommendations in Parts III to IX of the Report as soon as possible. They are in the best position to judge of the relative urgency of the various recommendations.