HC Deb 27 October 1920 vol 133 cc1758-9W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that considerable dissatisfaction exists in the Navy owing to the fact that the flat rate increase of pay asked for by the men was not approved; that not only is the cost of living continuing to rise, but the men have been deprived of such privileges as railway passes and annual travelling facilities for their wives and families; and whether any steps are being taken by the Admiralty to increase the pay of the men on the lower deck cither by a bonus or other means, irrespective of rank or rate, to meet the increase in the cost of living which falls on all ratings equally?


The suggestion contained in the first part of the question is not borne out by any information in possession of the Admiralty. As regards the second part of the question, I am aware that the conditions are as stated, but I would point out that in the main the privileges referred to were granted as a war measure, and these have consequently ceased under peace conditions. The question of the adequacy of the emoluments of the men of the Royal Navy is one that the Board of Admiralty will not fail to keep in view.