HC Deb 27 October 1920 vol 133 cc1770-1W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions what staff is occupied in the stores which are run by the Ministry?


The staff of the stores depôts on the 1st October numbered 7,997, comprising 1,117 administrative and clerical staff and 6,880 industrial workers. These figures show a total reduction of 2,064 as compared with the corresponding figures for the 1st July last, when the staff numbered 10,061, including 1,454 administrative and clerical staff and 8,607 industrial workers. I may add that the total staff of the factories and stores at the Armistice numbered 428,993.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions what are the salaries paid to Sir S. Dannreuther and Mr. D. Neylan on their appointment as joint secretaries to the Ministry of Munitions in succession to Sir W. Grahame Greene; whether these officials were permanent Civil Servants prior to the War; if they will be retired when the Ministry is wound up; and what are the reasons which make it necessary to have two secretaries for a Department which it has been stated will shortly be closed down?


The salaries to be paid to these two gentlemen have not yet been finally settled with the Treasury. Prior to the War they were permanent Civil Servants when the Ministry of Munitions is wound up. These gentlemen will continue to perform their present functions of Accounting Officer and Finance Member of the Disposal Board respectively in addition to their duties as Joint Secretaries. This arrangement has been made in the interests of economy, the two officials carrying out between them the work formerly carried out by three.