HC Deb 16 November 1920 vol 134 c1722W

askèd the Minister of Food whether for about two months at the beginning of the season Government butter was not taken up by the distributors, as the new home butter could be bought more cheaply, a large proportion that ought to have gone into consumption was retained in Government stores, and therefore deteriorated, thus causing waste; whether a careful estimate has been prepared for the new season in order to absorb all the stored butter before the new season's supply is to hand; and whether it is proposed to increase the amount of ration and thus avoid a repetition of last year's inconvenience and loss?


The hon. Member presumably refers to the months of May and June last, when allotments of Government butter were declined by traders to the extent of about 3,800 tons, or approximately 25 per cent, of the allotments. The saving of supplies thus effected enabled the Ministry to maintain issues of Government butter at the rate of 1½ ozs. per head per week of the population for three weeks longer than would otherwise have been possible. No financial loss was incurred in respect of the supplies referred to by deterioration. The stocks of butter held by the Ministry have been depleted considerably during the last two months and are not unduly large at the present time. Shipments of new Australasian supplies, however, have now commenced, and the rate of distribution will be increased to 1½ ozs. per head per week with the distribution beginning on the 22nd instant, and available for consumption on the 29th instant.

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