HC Deb 15 November 1920 vol 134 c1524W

asked the President of the Board of Education whether a deputation from British universities which waited on the Chancellor of the Exchequer and himself towards the end of last Session were informed by the spokesman of the Government that universities throughout the country were expanding beyond their means, and that they had been more anxious to extend their buildings than to pay adequately their existing staffs whose salaries were much too low; and whether, under these circumstances, he will refrain from exerting further pressure on behalf of the Government on the University of London to issue an appeal for funds for the erection of new university buildings until such time as provision has been made for the payment of adequate salaries to its teachers?


The deputation was warned by the Chancellor of the Exchequer against the danger of attempting extensions into new fields of work unwarranted by their financial position. The question of new buildings for the University of London is, however, one of providing adequate accommodation for the existing activities of the university, and the Government do not consider that delay in a matter so seriously affecting the efficient organisation of its work would be in the best interests of the university. I have no evidence that the university is neglecting the important question of the adequate remuneration of the teachers in its employment.