HC Deb 11 November 1920 vol 134 c1381W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether Littleton police barracks was surprised and captured on 31st October by Irishraiders; whether the police captured were injured, maltreated, or insulted in any way; whether so-called reprisals were subsequently perpetrated on the town of Littleton by armed forces of the Crown; and what action he is taking in the matter?


Littleton police barracks was, as stated, surprised and captured by a band of about 100 armed men on the 31st ultimo. Five policemen who were in the building at the time were made prisoners, and detained for about two hours, but were not maltreated in any way. The barrack was completely destroyed by fire, together with its contents, including the personal property of the police garrison. The Co-operative Creamery, which is situated about 20 yards from the barrack, was destroyed by fire later on the same day, and inquiries into the origin of this fire are still proceeding.