HC Deb 04 November 1920 vol 134 cc582-3W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether English and Scotch teachers' pensions are now paid out of the education grant; why Irish teachers' pensions are not paid out of the same grant; and, since Scotch teachers have had their premiums refunded from the accumulation in their pension fund and those in receipt of pensions are now receiving additional benefits from the remainder of that accumulation, even if their pensions are over £200 per annum, why Irish pensioned teachers, whose necessities are so much greater, have received no benefit from the larger accumulation in their pension fund?


I cannot undertake to answer questions as to pension schemes in England and Scotland. So long as the National School Teachers (Ireland) Act, 1879, stands, Irish teachers' pensions must be paid from the pension fund established under that Act, and premiums must be deducted from their pay. In spite of the deduction of these premiums, and of grants in aid from the Treasury, this fund is, owing to increases of salaries, now actuarially insufficient to secure its future liabilities.

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