HC Deb 01 November 1920 vol 134 cc55-7W

asked the Minister of Transport if he will give permission to officers have been employed and with what success, respectively; what have been the maximum figures for each weekend; and how many cases of dangerous driving have been reported by police on ordinary duty?


The figures are as follows:

the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company to reduce the workmen's train fare from Cloughfold to Waterfoot, as the charge is now 1s. 6d. per week against 6d. formerly, and the distance is only one mile; and, as the railway company state that the charge is the minimum allowed by the Transport Ministry, will he revise his instructions to provide for a reasonable charge being made for this and similar short distances?


The question of workmen's fares was the subject of a recent public inquiry by the Rates Advisory Committee, who, after very careful consideration of the evidence placed before them, recommended a scale of charges for tickets on cheap early trains with a minimum charge for any distance not exceeding two miles of 3d. for the return journey, and the railway companies were directed to revise their fares accordingly. The fare quoted is in accordance with the recommendation, and the scale applies throughout the country. In these circumstances I regret that I cannot see my way to make any exceptional reduction in this particular case.