HC Deb 05 May 1920 vol 128 cc2092-3W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland what were the number of loans, the amount of loans and the acreage sold under the Irish Church Act, 1869, over the area covered by the proposed Parliament of Northern Ireland and the proposed Parliament for Southern Ireland, respectively?


The total number of loans made on the sale of lands (yearly and other tenures) under the Irish Church Act, 1869, amounted to 6,057, the amount of such loans being £1,674,841. There is no record of the total area covered by such loans, the lands concerned being spread over the different dioceses in Ireland, which do not correspond to the county area. The majority of these loans have already been paid off, the amount now payable to the Irish Land Commission as successors to the Church Temporalities Commissioners is represented by the following:—

630 Simple Mortgages 5,200 per ann.
1529 Instalment Mortgages (Land Annuities) 15,500 per ann.

Of these figures, the following apply to the six counties in Ulster covered by the Government of Ireland Bill:—

415 Simple Mortgages 2,825 per ann.
751 Instalment Mortgages (Land Annuities) 6,915 per ann.

the residue being applicable to the rest of Ireland.