HC Deb 05 May 1920 vol 128 cc2101-2W

asked the Minister of Health whether the sum of £124,000 already expended on the administration of the department of the Director-General of Housing includes the salaries of the Government land valuers and of the special architectural staff employed by the First Commissioner of Works on housing operations; whether the administrative expenditure of the Central Authority is commensurate with the results achieved by the Ministry; whether he is aware that on the present basis of expenditure the administrative expenses, apart from architects' and local surveyors' fees, of the Central Housing Department will exceed £5,000,000 if the estimated shortage of 500,000 houses is to be made good; and if he will consider the expediency of relieving this financial strain, in view of the heavy financial burdens which must inevitably fall upon the taxpayers and ratepayers owing to these overhead charges?


The sum of £124,000 does not include the expenses of other Government departments. I do not understand on what basis the hon. and gallant Member has calculated that the expenses of the Housing Department will exceed £5,000,000. As over 170,000 house plans and nearly 100,000 tenders have been approved, I do not think the expenses of the Central Department can be said to be excessive.

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