HC Deb 29 March 1920 vol 127 cc914-5W

asked the Prime Minister whether the arrangement made by the Government with Home-grown Sugar, Limited, to guarantee dividends during the period of development and then to sell the Government shares at par if so required, embodies the settled policy of the Government with regard to private enterprise; and whether that policy is for the State to undertake the risks attaching to the development of industries and, when they have arrived at a profitable stage, to allow the profits to accrue to private interests?


The arrangement made is a very special one, the object of which it to promote by an experiment on a commercial scale, of which the Government takes part of the risk, the establishment of the sugar beet industry in this country. I hope that cases where Government assistance is required will not be frequent. Each case must be judged on its merits, but as a general rule I should be disposed to agree with the hon. and gallant Member that it should take a proportionate share of the profits.