§ Major HILLSasked the Secretary of State for War whether he will give the approximate number of casualties during the War in all theatres, distinguishing between killed (including died of wounds and died from other causes), wounded and missing, and prisoners, distinguishing in each case between officers and other ranks; dividing such casualties between Regular and Territorial Forces; Royal Naval Division; Canadians; Australians; New Zealanders; and other Dominion and Colonial troops; and Indian and native troops?
§ Sir A. WILLIAMSONsubmitted the following approximate number of
— Killed (including Died from Wounds and Died from other causes) Wounded Missing (presumed Dead owing to lapse of time). These should be added to the deaths Total number of Prisoners captured.† Off. O.R. Off. O.R. Off. O.R. Off. O.R. Regular and Territorial Forces. 34,206 541,229 80,596 1,567,818 4,140 96,867 6,617 161,317 Canadian Contingent 2,885 53,514 6,346 143,386 — — 238 3,516 Australian 2,828 55,318 6,304 145,867 — — 173 3,911 New Zealand 735 15,401 1,688 39,061 — — 12 490 Other Colonial Contingents. 537 8,579 726 13,857 — — 77 1,641 Royal Naval Division 425 6,620 777 19,388 38 1,427 64 3,009 Missing, including Prisoners Indian and Native Troops. 694 42,512 1,471 63,704 *40 *5,834 258 12,136 * Further details are awaited from India † A certain number of these died in captivity and also appear under killed, etc It is the practice of the Dominions to show their missing under killed, as soon as death is presumed.
In view of the closing of the Dominion Record Offices in this country, reliable information as to the number originally missing is not available.