HC Deb 22 March 1920 vol 127 cc76-7W

asked the Home Secretary if he will give the names of the members of the Departmental Committee inquiring into the wages and conditions of employment of the fire brigades of the country; what is the reference; when is it expected to report; and whether he anticipates being able to take action on its recommendations in the course of the present Session?


This Committee consists of the hon. Member for South Leeds (Chairman), Rear-Admiral James de Courcy Hamilton, M.V.O., R.N., the hon. and gallant Member for Tradoston, the hon. and gallant Member for Middlesbrough and the hon. Member for Bolton. Their terms of reference are to inquire and report upon the hours, pay, and conditions of service of firemen in professional fire brigades in Great Britain. I understand that the Committee hope to complete taking evidence before Easter, but I cannot say when their Report will be made. It will be for the responsible local authority to take action on the Report, but I will see that it is brought promptly to their notice.