HC Deb 10 March 1920 vol 126 cc1299-300W
Lieut.-Colonel MALONE

asked the Secretary of State for War whether the Navy and Army Canteen Board is setting up retail establishments in towns where sailors, soldiers, and airmen are stationed for the supply of all articles required by officers and men and their families; whether retail supply stores have already been opened in the town of Aldershot; and whether it is intended to extend this principle to other places in the United Kingdom?


The answer to the first and third parts of the hon. and gallant Member's question is in the negative. As regards the second part, a retail store is being conducted in Alder-shot by the Navy and Army Canteen Board, at which only officers and men and their wives and families are permitted to deal. This practice is similar to that which existed prior to the War under the contractors who were replaced by the Board, except that civilians were also allowed to deal at the shops run by the contractors. The shop in question was a war-time measure and is being closed.


asked the Secretary of State for War what were the total profits made out of Army canteens during the War; what it is proposed to do with this money; if it is ear-marked for any special purpose whether a committee has been set up to deal with the same; and, if so, who are the members of such committee and whether the position on the same is honorary or otherwise?


Pending the realisation of the surplus assets, it is not possible accurately to state the total profits made out of Army canteens during the War. After making provision for working capital for the Navy and Army Canteen Board, the profits to 31st December, 1919, are being transferred to the United Services Fund. The United Services Fund, as stated in the reply to the hon. Member for North Lambeth on the 2nd March, is an organisation independent of public departments, under General Lord Byng, from whom full particulars of its constitution can be obtained on application to the offices of the Fund at 22, Cromwell Road, S.W.7.