HC Deb 08 March 1920 vol 126 cc917-8W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture if he is aware that allotment holders did not last season grow' as many potatoes as during the War; if they are this season proposing to devote still less land to potato culture; if the need of potatoes and food is likely to be very great this year; and if an Order or condition can be made on allotment holders that they must devote at least one-half of their land to the growing of potatoes for this season?


The Ministry are aware that the potato crop for 1919 was smaller than that of 1918, but there is no indication that allotment holders are likely to plant a less area with potatoes this year than in 1919. An increase in the area under the potato crop in 1920 is desirable, but an Order such as that suggested would, if introduced at this late date, impose serious inconvenience and some hardship on allotment holders who have, in most cases, made arrangements for the season's cropping.


asked the Minister of Food what steps, if any, have been taken by the Ministry of Food to prevent profiteering in potatoes during the coming season?


As I have already stated, it is proposed to issue immediately an Order proscribing maximum prices for potatoes of the 1919 crop.