HC Deb 04 March 1920 vol 126 cc688-90W

asked the First Commissioner of Works how many hotels and other buildings in London are still occupied by Departments set up during the War; and when it is proposed that the Grand Hotel, the Hotel Metro-polo, De Keyser's Hotel, and similar places will be vacated?


Six hotels (of which three have been taken on lease and one is in course of vacation) and 348 other buildings are still occupied by Departments set up during the War. The Grand Hotel has been vacated; the Hotel Metropole has been practically cleared; and both hotels will shortly be surrendered to the owners. De Keyser's Hotel has already been vacated and surrendered.


asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the Admiralty acquired No. 10, Caroline Place, Birkenhead, in 1918; if so, the weekly rent they are receiving from the tenants installed by them; whether they have paid anything to the representatives of the late owner of the house; and, in view of the fact that some members of the family of the late owner have had their house sold over their heads and, being unable to get into their family house, have been put to considerable expense, will the Admiralty state what they propose to do in the matter?


I am advised that this house was requisitioned by the Admiralty in 1918, under the Defence of the Realm Act, and that the house had been empty since 1902. The Admiralty is receiving from the present occupants of these premises a weekly rent of about £4. Full particulars were supplied to the owner's agents in April of last year to enable them to submit a claim to the Defence of the Realm Losses Commission. This they have not done, and consequently no payment has yet been made. I might add that the Admiralty are quite willing to surrender the property, provided suitable accommodation can be found for their present tenants.