§ Major NALL asked the Minister of Transport whether he is taking any steps to ease the hard lot of superannuated railway servants; whether any adjustment can be made in the funds to increase the amounts payable to the pensioners; and whether he will set up a Departmental Committee to revise and bring up to date the Report of the Committee of 1910 [Cmd. 5349]?
61W§ Sir E. GEDDES: The question of increasing the pensions of railway annuitants is not one for the Government, but is one for the railway companies or the trustees of the various superannuation funds. I have already intimated on more than one occasion that I hope that the railway companies will give the matter consideration. I have informed those companies whose superannuation funds are not guaranteed under statutory powers that I consider an actuarial examination of their funds to be desirable, and, in these circumstances, I do not propose set up a Departmental Committee as suggested by the hon. Member.