HC Deb 22 June 1920 vol 130 c2022W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions what quantities of war material not needed by the country, and in parks, dumps, warehouses, etc., in Great Britain, still remain to be disposed of; whether any quantities have not yet been placed on the market; if so, why; and whether an effort is being made before the winter to dispose of all this surplus stock?


The estimated sales value of stores reported surplus to Government requirements in the United Kingdom and remaining unsold is approximately £50,000,000. Stores are still being reported to this Ministry as surplus at the rate of over £2,000,000 worth a week, and it is probable that surpluses will continue to be notified at that rate for some time to come. When stores are reported surplus, steps are at once taken to sell them, but my hon. Friend will realise that premature and promiscuous unloading would be against the interest of the Revenue. Every effort is being made to dispose of surplus stocks, but it will be quite impossible consistently with the public interest, to sell all these stores before next winter.