HC Deb 22 June 1920 vol 130 c2027W
Captain W. BENN

asked the Home Secretary whether he will make a Return showing the convictions for drunkenness in every County Borough in England and Wales for the quarter ending 30th April in the years 1913 to 1920, inclusive?


The Table given on page 6 of Licensing Statistics, 1918, (Cmd. 352) covers the ground indicated in the question. The volume for 1919, which is in preparation, will contain a similar Table. This Table, which covers the whole country, does not show the figures of each month for County Boroughs separately from other areas; but it will, I hope, in combination with Table VI. in the volume—which gives the figures for the whole year for every County Borough7—meet the hon. and gallant Member's object. I cannot give the figures in the precise form for which he asks. To do so would involve an expenditure of time and labour which would delay the issue of the annual statistics and which could not be justified unless for very important purposes.