HC Deb 21 June 1920 vol 130 cc1775-7W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, (1) whether his attention has been called to the fact that the steamers "Auchinish" and "Kilbaha," the property of the Limerick Steamship Company, on requisition were handed over to the brokers, Messrs. Scott Fell and Company, at Sydney, New South Wales, by the Australian Commonwealth at the requisition rates; is he aware that these brokers traded with these two steamers and made large profits for themselves over and above the blue book flat rate allowed to requisitioned steamers by the Australian Government; will the attention of the Australian Government be called to this injustice to a firm of shipowners in debarring them from using their steamers in the same manner as the Australian-owned steamers were being used;

(2) whether his attention has been called to the fact that an injustice has been done to a firm of Irish shipowners, the Limerick Steamship Company, Limited, by the requisitioning of their two steamers, the "Emerald Wings" and "Bright Wings," renamed the "Kilbaha" and "Auchinish" during the War by the Commonwealth Government of Australia; that, while this firm were not objecting to the requisitioning of their steamers in the ordinary course, they objected to these two Irish-owned steamers being the only steamers requisitioned together with the English-owned "Southborough," while the whole of the Australian-owned steamers were permitted to trade on the Australian coast free; and whether he will have full inquiries made into the complaint made by the Limerick Steamship Company, Limited?

Colonel L. WILSON

I have been asked to reply. It is true that last year strong complaints were received from the former owners of these vessels as to their treatment whilst under requisition by the Commonwealth Government. The steamers have, however, since been sold, and in the circumstances it is not thought that any useful purpose would be served by re-opening the matter.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been called to the fact that the Limerick Steamship Company, Limited, made several applications through their brokers to be allowed to have their colours carried on the steamers' funnels and to fly their own house-flag; that such permission was refused them, while the brokers under whose management the Australian Government placed the steamers were allowed to sail these Irish-owned steamers under their own colours and fly their own house-flag; and, if this is so, what action will be taken?

Colonel WILSON

I have been asked to reply. As the vessels, which I pre- sume my hon. Friend refers to, are on the Australian Register, I regret that I have no information as to the action which has been taken in this matter.