HC Deb 17 June 1920 vol 130 c1482W

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that there is at present unrest in the Scottish Police Force on account of the great delay in giving effect to many of the recommendations of the Desborough Committee; whether in some of the forces the men are in receipt of the scales of pay, rent aid, other allowances, really unpensionable pay, which have been recommended, while in other forces the scales of pay only, with no other allowances, have been granted; whether Scottish policemen are still at a great disadvantage compared with those in England through their not being able to retire till after they have completed 34 years' service as against 26 years in England; and what steps are being taken by the Scottish Office to deal with these and other grievances which have been intimated by the members of many of the Scottish forces during the recent inspection?


The recommendations of the Desborough Committee with regard to rent and other allowances have been adopted by the great majority of County Police Authorities and a certain number of Burgh Police Authorities in Scotland. Evidence of dissatisfaction among the members of forces in which the allowances are not in operation has been brought to the notice of my right hon. Friend, who proposes to issue a communication to the police authorities concerned. As regards pensions the Desborough Committee recommend a single scale for all forces in Great Britain. This cannot be carried into effect without amending legislation which will be introduced at the earliest opportunity.