HC Deb 10 June 1920 vol 130 c650W

asked the Home Secretary if, in view of the number of industrial accidents at docks and harbours, which in many cases are some considerable distance from hospitals and are often of a very serious character, he will consider favourably the application of that section of the Factories Act dealing with First-Aid to injured workmen as applied to certain other industries?


I am considering at the earliest opportunity the introduction of legislation to extend the powers in the Police, Factories, &c. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1916, in regard to First-Aid and Ambulance arrangements, to docks and quays. A circular letter has been recently issued to dock and harbour authorities drawing attention to the importance of providing for the immediate treatment of injured persons and asking them to consider how far their existing arrangements for this purpose are adequate. Replies so far received indicate that authorities generally recognise the importance of the question, and would be prepared to take any further steps necessary.