HC Deb 15 July 1920 vol 131 c2614W

asked the Minister of Penions whether 15s. per week pension is the maximum allowed to parent or parents who may have lost two or more sons in the War; if so, in view of the inadequacy of this sum to maintain an aged couple who have lost their only source of support, does he intend to remove this hardship; and can he further state where such people may apply for relief outside the boards of guardians?


Where two parents have lost two sons on whom they were dependent, each may have a pension based on the extent of their dependence up to 18s., in all 36s. a week, under the terms of the Royal Warrant; and in accordance with the recommendations of the Select Committee the maximum has now been increased to 20s. for one parent and 40s. for two. Supplementary assistance in exceptional cases of hardship may also be given by the Special Grants Committee under extended Regulations which are now on the point of issue.