§ Mr. BOWERMAN asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the names and rank of the naval ratings held as prisoners at Baku?
§ Sir J. CRAIG: The names are as follow:—
§ Aspell, Robert Clyde, Leading Seaman, J.10797 (Dev.).
§ Banks, Joseph William, Blacksmith (4th Class), M.21903 (Dev.).
§ Collins, Henry Charles Dunk, Acting Shipwright (4th Class), M.6432 (Ch.).
§ Dart, William Henry, Able Seaman, J.30784 (Ch.).
§ Greenway, John Alexander, Signalman, J.41326 (Dev.).
§ Grocott, James, Able Seaman, J.37815 (Po.).
§ Grundy, Walter Herbert, Engine Room Artificer (3rd Class), M.6702 (Dev.).
§ Hine, Mark, Leading Telegraphist,. J.30143 (Dev.).
§ Horgan, John, Petty Officer, 194216 (Po.).
§ Hutchings, William Alfred, Leading Signalman, J.22516 (Po.).
§ Marsh, Joseph Thomas Colville, Engine Room Artificer (4th Class), M.28655 (Ch.).
§ Murray, Cecil Lionel, Telegraphist, J.59108 (Po.).
§ Newland, Henry Herbert, Petty Officer, 193438 (Ch.) (R.F.R., B.8441).
§ Pettit, Frederick Edwin, Ordnance Artificer (3rd Class), M.10410 (Ch.).
1691W§ Phillips, William George, Ordnance Artificer (3rd Class), M.14781 (Ch.).
§ Piggott, Stanley Freeman, Leading Seaman, J.15784 (Po.).
§ Prout, Frederick Colling, 2nd Sick Berth Steward, M.3176 (Dev.).
§ Roche, Allen, Armourer, 345902 (Dev.).
§ Smith, William Stanley, Able Seaman, J.38025 (Ch.).
§ Snow, Frank Ernest, Private, R.M.L.I., Ply./15808.
§ Spurway, William Henry James, Leading Seaman, J.19585 (Ch.).
§ Vidler, Thomas, Leading Seaman, J.18419 (Po.).
§ Wainwright, Wilfred, Able Seaman, J.38861 (Po.).
§ Ware, William Thomas, Leading Seaman, J.16472 (Dev,).
§ Waterfield, James William, Gunner, R.M.A., R.M.A./11983.
§ Wright, Albert Edward, Officers' Steward (3rd Class), L.12292.