HC Deb 08 July 1920 vol 131 cc1698-700W

Sir J. REMNANT asked the Minister of Transport if all the Director-Generals, Directors and Assistant Directors in his Department have been appointed; and what are their names and previous experience?

Mr. NEAL: The names and full particulars of previous experience of the officials of the rank of Director-General were given in a speech by the Minister of Transport in this House on 10th July last, to which I would refer the hon. Member. In addition, Mr. Burgess has been appointed Director-General for Ireland. Mr. Burgess was formerly Irish representative of the London and North Western Railway, and during the War Director of (Irish) Cross-Channel Transportation. No further appointments are authorised. Two posts for officials of the rank of Director, and three of the rank of Assistant Director remain unfilled. As a statement of the experience of Directors and Assistant Directors is somewhat lengthy, I am sending the hon. and gallant Member the list.

The following is a copy of the statement referred to:

Name Experience.
Mr. M. Kissane, O.B.E. Deputy Naval Store Officer, Admiralty; Director of Munition Stores, Ministry of Munitions; Assistant Director of Materials and Priority, Admiralty; in charge of Demobilisation of Forces Branch, Ministry of Labour.
Mr. J. Milne, M.I.M.E., F.S.S. Great Western Railway Company.
Mr. J. A. A. Pickard, D.S.O. Railway Company, R.E. (Lieut.-Colonel), London Traffic Branch, Board of Trade; Assistant Director of Light Railways, B.E.F., France.
Mr. J. Pike London and North-Western Railway.
Mr. A. T. V. Robinson Exchequer and Audit Department, Treasury.
Mr. E. T. Tudsbery, M.C.A.M.Inst.C.E. Member of firm of consulting engineers.
Mr. P. Wharton Great Southern and Western Railway, Ireland.
Assistant Directors.
Mr. R. G. H. Clements, A.M.Inst.C.E. Formerly Deputy Borough Engineer, Brighton.
Mr. W. D. Duffield, 0.B.E. North Eastern Railway.
Lieut.-Colonel J. A. S. dray, C.M.G., D.S.O. Assistant District Commissioner, Southern Nigeria; Railway Transport Service, France; Deputy - Director - General of Transportation.
Mr. H. G. Hindell, O.B.E. Central Argentine Railway; Railway Transport Service, France; Chief Stores Officer, Directorate of Railways, North Russian Expeditionary Force.
Mr. P. T. R. Kellner, O.B.E., D.S.O. Indian Finance Department; Chief Auditor, Oush and Rohilrund State Railway.
Mr. A. E. Kirkus, O.B.E North Eastern Railway; Ministry of Munitions; Admiralty.
Mr J. E. Ketching North Eastern Railway; Assistant Director of Docks, France.
Mr. K. L. Macaulay Egyptian Delta Light Railway Co.; Chief Accountant Egyptian Postal Administration.
Mr. W. S. Richmond, C.M.G., A.M.Inst. C.E. Engineering Inspector, Road Board; Deputy - Director of Roads, B.E.F., France.
Mr. W. E. Simnett, M.B.E., Assc.Inst. C.E. Assistant Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers; technical duties under the Director of Military Intelligence.
Civil Engineers.
Mr. Bradford Leslie, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. Bengal Nagpur Railway; Consulting Engineer and Partner in the firm of Sir John Wolfe Barry; Private practice as Consulting Engineer.
Chief Civil Engineers.
Mr. J. Ferguson, M.I.C.E Consulting Engineer; Managing Director of James Young, Ltd., Public Works Contractors; Member of Rural Transport (Scotland) Committee.
Mr. N. G. Gedye, O.B.E., M.I.C.E. Consulting Engineer; Chief Engineer of the Tyne Improvement Commission; Acting Director of Special Construction, Admiralty.
Mr. T. G. Menzies, C.B.E., M.I.C.E. Chief Civil Engineer to the late John Strechan; Contractor for Railways, Docks, etc.; Chief Engineer and afterwards Director of Messrs. Eastern Gibb & Son, Ltd.; Director of Special Construction, Admiralty.
Deputy-Chief Civil Engineer.
Mr. G. A. Maunsell, A M.I.C.E., A.C.G.I. Assistant Engineer on Water Power Installations in France and Switzerland; Chief Engineer to John Ver Mehr, Builder of Concrete Ships.

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