HC Deb 05 July 1920 vol 131 c1044W

asked the Minister of Labour what was the number of ex-service men unemployed in each month of the present year?


The numbers of ex-service men (inclusive of a small number of merchant seamen) claiming out-of-work donation at the beginning of each month during the current year and at the end of June were as follows:—

2nd January 377,957
6th February 339,294
5th March 273,966
1st April 221,951
7th May 206,650
4th June 192,119
28th June 174,224
I should point out, as I have done on various occasions, that there must be added to these figures something in respect of those who have exhausted their right to out-of-work donation and are no longer on our registers. Also I regret to say there are 15,000 officers and other ranks of similar educational qualifications who are on the registers of the Appointments Department, and, allowing for those not registered with us, I shall probably be within the mark if I say there are 20,000 unemployed.