§ Mr. WASONasked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that a fleet of British steamers registered at the port of Leith are whale hunting in Shetland waters, and that the master, chief officer, engineer, and crew are all foreigners; is this a violation of Section 5 of the Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Act, 1919; if the said violation was brought under the notice of the Board by the County Council of Zetland three months ago; have the Board taken no action; if the Board's representatives in Lerwick refused to permit a local-owned steamer to fish in Faroe waters with a certified Faroese master and mate; if the Board is aware that there is a very widespread and deep-seated opinion that the aliens who own these Leith vessels seem to be able to exercise undue influence in high quarters; and if the Board will immediately take the necessary steps to enforce the law?
§ Mr. BRIDGEMANI am aware that the masters, chief officers, and engineers of certain whaling vessels fishing from Lerwick are not of British nationality. The Board of Trade were asked to exempt these vessels from the provisions of Section 5 of the Aliens Restriction (Amendment) Act, 1919, but informed the owners that they could not grant such exemption. There is, however, a provision in the Statute that exemption may be granted to certain officers who are certified by the Admiralty to have performed good and faithful service in that capacity during the War, and, subsequent to the decision of the Board of Trade, the owners reported that they had consulted representatives of the Admiralty in regard to the grant of such certificates, and that no objection had been stated to their being granted. I have no knowledge that action as suggested has been taken in regard to a local-owned steamer which it 677W was desired to use for fishing in Faroe waters, but I am making inquiries in this matter. I am not aware that the opinion is held that the owners of these Leith vessels seem to be able to exercise undue influence in high quarters, and there is no ground for any such suggestion. The Board understand that the question of taking proceedings is being considered by the proper Scottish authority.